Private investigator Los Angeles CA

Personal Injury Investigations | Encino

Private Investigations | Encino CA

Across the country, fraudulent personal injury claims are on the rise. However, despite the fact that fraudsters will file a case for just about anything, these cases end in settlements far more frequently than you’d think! While decades ago personal injury settlements could result in tens, or maybe hundreds of thousands in restitution, now, those settlements have skyrocketed into the millions, and even tens of millions. For businesses both small and large, those settlements are a crippling financial blow – especially when insurance premiums increase dramatically, or deny coverage outright! A poor defense against a personal injury case can spell disaster, and leave a fraudster with millions in settlement funds, all from their half-baked story cobbled together with a fake wheelchair and some good acting. Don’t become a victim to these professional scammers – partner with an expert private investigator in Encino today.

Personal Injury Investigations Encino CA

An Attorney’s Best Partner: An Encino Private Investigator

Encino’s Best Private Investigators for Personal Injury Defense Investigations

Attorneys tackling personal injury cases can often find themselves without enough hard evidence to prompt an open-and-shut case for their clients. However, with the help of an experienced private investigator, these cases can reach a favorable resolution that might not have ever happened without recorded surveillance evidence. We’ve served as an expert witness on numerous occasions, and record our surveillance video and photo specifically with court in mind – so you won’t lose time and effort on inadmissible or poor quality evidence. 

Our Approach to Personal Injury Investigations in Encino

While other investigators may approach surveillance only during business hours, or do a sloppy enough job to even get noticed by the subject (scaring them into hiding and making any future surveillance attempts near impossible), we take the time to ensure our surveillance is done efficiently and discreetly. Our 26 years of experience has led our team to develop unique approaches and skillsets rarely employed by our competitors – resulting in our proven track record of numerous successful personal injury defense cases! 

Personal injury investigations hinge on two crucial components: timing, and duration. 

Timing refers to how quickly surveillance is started against the subject. Fraudulent personal injury claimants often take time to develop the habits required of their newfound “injury”—meaning, early on, they’re far more likely to slip up! With our personal injury investigations Encino CA, we’ve caught supposedly wheelchair-bound people standing up and walking up stairs into their homes, and crippled individuals “…barely able to carry a few pounds” carrying stacks of lumber at a hardware store! Often, once these individuals see their case progress, they’ll settle more deeply into their act. After all, what’s a few weeks or months in a wheelchair for a life-changing quantity of money? To them, it’s a matter of learning to believe their own lie—which takes time. It’s best to catch them before they get it ingrained.

Duration refers to when surveillance is performed. Often, inexperienced or lazy PIs will only perform surveillance during business hours. However, we’ve found most personal injury fraudsters to adjust their hours of activity to avoid these busy times of day – sometimes only going out at night. Thus, to catch these fraudsters, it’s important to employ around-the-clock surveillance to ensure their activities are caught and documented.

Trust Your Personal Injury Case to Encino’s Best Private Investigators

Let our team of expert private Investigators in Encino aid you in your personal injury case. We’re a team of licensed and insured private investigators with over 26 years of experience, and a proven track record of numerous personal injury defense cases, with millions of our clients’ money saved! Contact us today for a free consultation to learn more about our personal injury investigations.

Ken Childs

Author Consultant

Paramount Investigative Services Inc. is a highly reputable private investigation agency based in Los Angeles, boasting over 25 years of experience in the field. Founded and led by expert witness and author Ken Childs, the agency offers a comprehensive range of investigative services to clients, including insurance fraud detection, infidelity investigations, background checks, and legal support for attorneys. With a proven track record and a commitment to professionalism, Paramount Investigative Services Inc. stands out as a trusted choice for individuals, businesses, and legal professionals seeking reliable and discreet investigative solutions in Los Angeles.  Follow the link to buy my Private Investigation book on