Private investigator Los Angeles CA

Intellectual Property Investigations | We’re #1 in LA

Intellectual property Investigations | IP Investigators near you

Los Angeles offers a massive number of private investigators specializing in intellectual property or IP theft investigations; making the process of selecting the right investigator difficult and confusing. While many boast experience in law enforcement, the private investigatory field requires specialized experience founded upon discretion and a tireless commitment to an expeditious outcome. Working around the clock to provide our clients with the evidence they require, Paramount Investigative Services offers Los Angeles residents, attorneys and businesses alike the various services they seek. When selecting an experienced, licensed and insured private investigator near you, consider the expert team of detectives at Paramount Investigative Services.

Expert Private Investigator Ken Childs

intellectual property investigations

Covert Purchases: High-Risk, High-Reward

The primary purpose behind hiring a private investigator to assist during a trademark infringement or intellectual property case is to perform covert surveillance and/or to acquire goods. Through careful planning and a delicate approach, a professional private investigator will employ various and subtle conversational techniques to obtain the trust of their contact. If an inexperienced individual or private detective attempts to make such a high-pressure purchase, their failure can permanently force the company or individual in question into lockdown – making any future attempts to make contact extremely improbable. A robust disguise and thoroughly researched persona allows private investigators to infiltrate successfully where others would immediately oust themselves.

Why Choose Paramount Investigative Services for Intellectual Property Investigations?

Having worked on numerous high-profile cases for businesses and celebrities alike, we’re no strangers to delicate and high-consequence investigations. Throughout our decades-long service of Los Angeles attorneys, businesses and residents, we’ve saved our clients tens of millions – providing robust, indisputable video, photo and written evidence to swiftly bring drawn-out cases to a favorable close.
While other private investigators overstate their abilities and limit their time in the field, we fully commit our resources to the success of your case – working around the clock to capture any and all evidence necessary for your case. Our covert purchases are successfully completed with unmatched subtlety and composure, while adhering to an expeditious timeframe. Whether you’re an established brand or small business, our team of investigators and unique approach stand apart from any other private investigator in Los Angeles.

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Paramount Investigative Services: Your PI For IP Investigations

With offices in downtown Los Angeles, Newport Beach, San Diego and Beverly Hills, our network of investigators ensures our cases receive the thorough attention to detail necessary for a favorable outcome. As career private investigators, our professional approach separates us from the countless hobbyists and retired law enforcement private detectives throughout the city. When tackling a difficult case or attempting to make a covert purchase, contact Paramount Investigative Services for your free quote and consultation. We’re committed to the success of your case, and ready to begin your investigation at a moment’s notice!

Ken Childs

Author Consultant

Paramount Investigative Services Inc. is a highly reputable private investigation agency based in Los Angeles, boasting over 25 years of experience in the field. Founded and led by expert witness and author Ken Childs, the agency offers a comprehensive range of investigative services to clients, including insurance fraud detection, infidelity investigations, background checks, and legal support for attorneys. With a proven track record and a commitment to professionalism, Paramount Investigative Services Inc. stands out as a trusted choice for individuals, businesses, and legal professionals seeking reliable and discreet investigative solutions in Los Angeles.  Follow the link to buy my Private Investigation book on