Difficult Service Of Process San Diego | (888) 808) 8291

Difficult service of process in San Diego


We are not your typical process service!

SO you hired the Sheriffs department. We get it, you wanted to save money and were hopeful they’d do a good job. Sadly, you got what you paid for. That’s OK. You’re now in the good hands of Paramount Investigative Services. We handle difficult service of process or evasive service of process.

Difficult service of process

San Diego Private Detectives excel in serving hard to find persons!

There are several reasons why these people are being evasive or the serve has become difficult. The number one reason is they know “its” coming. Let’s face it, they aren’t nice people and there aren’t any other options left for you to remedy the situation. The second reason is, you’ve hired the Sheriffs department and or a process server who was ill equip. In all likelihood, they were confrontational or aggressive with neighbors, maybe they simply lacked tact. At PIS we believe the Sheriffs are the worst persons you could possibly send. They show up in Police cars wearing uniforms. We’ve seen them park on someone’s lawn and knock on the door at 6:30 in the morning. Who the heck does that? The Sheriffs Dept does. Process servers can be good but the main problem with them, is they are cheap. They don’t charge enough to take the time to afford the proper training or tools. That puts them into a situation where they go door to door as fast as they can to check the “attempts” off their list. Sadly, that’s the only way they can make a living is through speed and not skill.

Our San Diego Private Investigators are the best! We not only have powerful tools at our finger tips, investigative experience, tips and tricks we’ve honed for the past 20+ years. Yes, we charge more but in the end we save you time and money and that equals value. Expensive is hiring the wrong service provider the first time around. Now, we have to retrace their steps and put more time in the field to correct their wrong. Lets avoid all of that together and hire Paramount Investigative Services the first time. You’ll be glad you did.

DO NOT use the Sheriffs Department to serve your court docs! They do NOT care

The California Code of Civil Procedures also known as “The CCP’s”§ 413.10 Law governing service.
Except as otherwise provided by statute, a summons shall be served on a person:

  1. Within this state, as provided in this chapter.
  2. Outside this state but within the United States, as provided in this chapter or as prescribed by the law of the place where the person is served.
  3. Outside the United States, as provided in this chapter or as directed by the court in which the action is pending, or, if the court before or after service finds that the service is reasonably calculated to give actual notice, as prescribed by the law of the place where the person is served or as directed by the foreign authority in response to a letter rogatory. These rules are subject to the provisions of the Convention on the “Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents” in Civil or Commercial Matters (Hague Service Convention). (Amended by Stats. 1984, Ch. 191, Sec. 1.)


Rule 3.1152. Requests for protective orders to prevent civil harassment, workplace violence, private postsecondary school violence, and elder or dependent adult abuse

Service of requests, notices, and orders The request for a protective order, notice of hearing, and any temporary restraining order, must be personally served on the respondent at least five days before the hearing, unless the court for good cause orders a shorter time. Service must be made in the manner provided by law for personal service of summons in civil actions. (Subd (c) amended effective January 1, 2012; previously amended effective January 1, 1993, and January 1, 2007.)


CALL NOW – 888.808.8291

Serving documents on an Inmate:

Rule: Penal Code – PEN 4013
The real answer is. The inmate must be located first. Second step is to call the factility and ask them for their policy & procedures. This will save you a lot of time and headaches.

The below is the text from findlaw.com
(a)A sheriff or jailer upon whom a paper in a judicial proceeding, directed to a prisoner in his or her custody, is served, shall forthwith deliver it to the prisoner, with a note thereon of the time of its service. For a neglect to do so, he or she is liable to the prisoner for all damages occasioned thereby.
(b)Service directed to a person who is incarcerated within any institution in this state may be served by any person who may lawfully serve process.

Ken Childs

Author Consultant

Paramount Investigative Services Inc. is a highly reputable private investigation agency based in Los Angeles, boasting over 25 years of experience in the field. Founded and led by expert witness and author Ken Childs, the agency offers a comprehensive range of investigative services to clients, including insurance fraud detection, infidelity investigations, background checks, and legal support for attorneys. With a proven track record and a commitment to professionalism, Paramount Investigative Services Inc. stands out as a trusted choice for individuals, businesses, and legal professionals seeking reliable and discreet investigative solutions in Los Angeles.  Follow the link to buy my Private Investigation book on Amazon.com